Friday, August 5, 2011

Working on the Mesa...

  We have reserved site# 18 the week of September 18-24 at Grayton Beach State Park in Florida! So we have a lot to do to get the camper in order for a week-long camping trip. 
I started by painting both bed ends gray instead of white.

My sister's boyfriend came over and figured out how to hook up the light and fan for the first time ever!
Both of which, I finally spraypainted white.
We bought a microwave a while ago but think it would be cool to keep it above the fridge while we're camping. It fits almost perfectly!

Skip, my sister's boyfriend borrowed the rivet gun from his work and helped Michael install the new bed end corners.

Then came a BIG one...I hadn't planned on replacing the windows. I was curious, but it looked hard. So I googled and researched. I found 1 tutorial and tried it out. It worked! So I am in the process of replacing all of them.
A very cloudy before...

 A very clear after!
Many more projects to come! We still have weatherstripping, countertops, touch-up painting, fridge install, curtains and hopefully flooring.